

Hey dick face. Strap your stupid face in and listen to this awesome episode!
It’s much better then whatever you were was planning to do.

Cohost: Brandon Danker
Guest: Alistair Baldwin
Jeremy is also there!

Last episode of Churning out the Chat ever?
You better believe I’m burning this baby to the ground!

See you suckers on the other side!


Episode 21 – Cooking Erotica

In a very special story edition of Churning out the Chat, Jeremy laments that no one read his book. So he decides to appeal to the masses with his Cooking Erotica fiction.

Download it here.


Episode 18 – Parties Parties Parties

Jeremy has cast off the shackles of Perth and moved to Melbourne. He broke up the band and Kausar has been thrown to the side this episode to welcome in two actual Melbournian locals. Listen as he explores the confusing world of interstate relations as Kit Richards and Brandon Danker talk all manner of things party related, in particular the parties running for the WA state election.

Download it here.

We also have an itunes listing if you are that way inclined (in which case why are you even on this website?)




Episode 17: Jeremy has no Friends

Episode 17 of Churning Out The Chat featuring our hosts Kausar and Jeremy after a nearly 10 month hiatus. Oh sure there were those weird science offshoot episodes and those three episodes Raph talked about the Senate but Jeremy and Kausar have finally come back to give you what you want. Them talking about how Jeremy has no friends.

Normally there is an interview component but Jeremy has no friends in Melbourne to interview so he did not interview anyone.

Download it here.

Be sure to leave a comment with emojis.

We can be contacted at for any enquirers (I haven’t checked the email account in ages).


Episode 16: ELECTION SPECIAL – WA Senate 2016 (Part 3) with cohost Raph Byrne

Part Three, and the final part, of our multipart look into the parties running for Senate in WA in 2016.

The final part looks at: Voteflux, RUAP, Australian Antipaedophile Party, Shooters and Fishers and Farmers, Liberals, Nick Xenophon Team, Katter’s Australia Party, and the rest!

Download it here.

Be sure to leave a comment with any insults that jump to mind.

We can be contacted at for any enquirers.


Episode 15: ELECTION SPECIAL – WA Senate 2016 (Part 2) with cohost Raph Byrne

Part Two of our multipart look into the parties running for Senate in WA in 2016.

The second part looks at: CEC, HAP, Cycling, Derryn Hinch’s Justice Party, Family First, Mature, HEMP/Sex, REP, LDP, SA, and One Nation.

Download it here.

Be sure to leave a comment with any insults that jump to mind.

We can be contacted at for any enquirers.


Episode 14: ELECTION SPECIAL – WA Senate 2016 (Part 1) with cohost Raph Byrne

It’s that time again! That’s right, thanks to a wonderful double dissolution trigger we get to go back to the polls and vote in a new senate.

“But Churning Out The Chat,” I hear you cry. “The senate is an entirely new beast. How do I know who to vote for now? Who will give us both incredibly biased and inaccurate information?”

Well never fear because we have you covered. Jeremy, joined by special election cohost Raph, delves into the murky waters of the senate parties in this multipart series.

The first part looks at: PUP, Labor, AFP, Greens, ALA, Nationals, CDP, AJP, Christians, Arts, and DLP.

Download it here.

Be sure to leave a comment with any insults that jump to mind.

We can be contacted at for any enquirers.


Episode 13: Marie Curie

Continuing on with the Science History offshoot of Churning out the Chat, Jeremy talks about the life and times of Marie Curie.

Download it here.

Be sure to leave a comment with suggestions or well wishes.

We can be contacted at for any enquirers. (I’ll let you guys in on a little secret, I hardly check the email).


Episode 08: Dust (Jeremy Hughes)

Episode 08 of Churning Out The Chat featuring Jeremy talking about nothing.

Half of the team is down for the count and we don’t have a guest to interview so Jeremy spends 30 minutes talking to you dear listener.

In this episode Jeremy talks about frogs, dust, and eggplant.

Download it here

Be sure to leave a comment with suggestions or well wishes.

We can be contacted at for any enquirers (or if you want to be interviewed or like, want to talk about cooking tips).